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Responsible for the following content in accordance with § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Birgit Seiferth, seiferth verbindet
seiferth verbindet (who runs the domain, here named "seiferth verbindet") uses certain sub-processors (including 3rd party).
Definition of a sub-processor
A sub-processot is a third party data processor engaged by seiferth verbindet. seiferth verbindet engages different sub-processors to perform various functions, such as the large language model (LLM) storage for the training and the photo generation).
Due Diligence & Contractual Safeguards
seiferth verbindet evaluates the security, privacy and confidentiality practices of proposed sub-processors that will or may have access to or otherwise process customer content and enters into data protection agreements with each sub-processor.
This advisory does not give customers any additional rights or remedies and should not be construed as a binding agreement. The information herein is only provided to illustrate seiferth verbindet's engagement process for sub-processors as well as to provide third party sub-processors of which it uses services.
If you are seiferth verbindet (through the domain customer) and wish to know more information, please email us at
Process to engage new sub-processors:
seiferth verbindet provides notice via this advisory of updates to the list of sub-processors that are utilized on request, or which subprocessor proposes to utilize to deliver its services. seiferth verbindet undertakes to keep this list updated regularly to enable its customers to stay informed of the scope of sub-processing associated with the services.
The processors to creating the photos are located in the US.

Infrastructure sub-processors - service data storage and processing
seiferth verbindet owns or controls access (login) to the infrastructure that uses to host and process customer content, other than a set forth herein. Currently, the aibusinessphotos production systems used for hosting customer content (only the training of the photos but no customer address or further information) for the services are in facilities in the United States. On request we provide the table of the countries and legal entities engaged by seiferth verbindet in the storage of service data (only the training images are transferred to the US, no additional personal data (such as customer name and address) outside EU. seiferth verbindet also uses additional services provided by these sub-processors to process service data as needed to provide the services. Customer data, such as for invoicing or hosting the final customer photos is hosted in within Europe.

Service specific sub-processors
seiferth verbindet works with certain third parties to provide specific functionality within the services. These providers are the sub-processors set forth below. In order to provide the relevant functionality these sub-processors access customer content. Their use is limited to the indicated services.
The use and application of the software requires technical process knowledge, particularly regarding the LLM training and the handling of AI models. We make sure that the selected specified requirement achieve optimal results of the photos due to testing of parameters.

We may update this document "sub-processor" information from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons.
For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by email at or by mail using the details provided below:
seiferth verbindet
In der Holle 9
53757 Sankt Augustin